where ranDOMness is key...

Andy "the Gab" Gabruch

Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Well, some of you know him, some of you don't. Here he is, Student Body President of SPC 2002-2003, short and mouthy, on fire for God and loves his youth, married to Annick not even one year yet, the Man of the hour...Andy "the Gab" Gabruuuuuch!

the Gab!

Yes, he is wearing a woman's hoodie. And loving every minute of it. Look at that sassy grin.

Lemme tell you, I've known this guy maybe two months now, and he just keeps getting better and better. Some o' y'all'll tell me that he will continue to get better and better. He is now, as Otto inquired 20-30 posts ago, the youth pastor at my home church in Richmond. I'm sure he'd love a visit from any of you SPC folk that knew him. Heck, he'd love a visit from anyone, such a warm guy. Even so, if you don't want to visit him, come and visit me!!

A sure-fire quality guy.

Thanks to Petko for the pic.
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