where ranDOMness is key...

Monday, June 14, 2004
Here's one to tickle some pickles.

Today, we shipped roughly 80 tombstone and other mortem memoribilia. The shipments come with packing slips including order numbers and order names. Yes, the names are of the people to whom the tombstones are addressed. 80 people died in order to make that shipment.

There were some white names, some chinese names, I think a philipino name... I handled their stuff! Even some urns. Which were empty...I SINCERELY HOPE.

But get this, after we sort them (by destination, as not all tombstones go to the same cemetary), we count and realize we're short one. One's missing. Now usually, when a box of Gap freight (yes, they'll notice if one goes missing, or a trailer for that matter) goes missing they say "We're one short" and that's the end of it. But no, this is somebody's tombstone that is missing, "Tear the place apart". So we whip out the picklist, and verify EVERY box on the pallette to the order, and find out that the dude without a tombstone is a poor chap by the name of Whitman.

I imagine it would say something witty like "Whitman, he was aparently a man pertaining to some whit. Don't dig this grave." But now, it will say nothing.

Can you imagine, worse than losing your father, or brother... That you're at the funeral to present the tombstone, and...low and behold, it's not there either! Can nothing go right?!

Mr Whitman, God bless your soul, I am very sorry your tombstone has not been delivered. We just simply didn't receive it. If you want to blame someone, blame the idiot shippers in Toronto. Yes, they're usually quite dumb about everything related to shipping goods.
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