where ranDOMness is key...

Sunday, June 06, 2004
Oh man...who's Youth Pastor now? I just finished writing my sermon that I will deliver in a little over an hour, using the HOOK BOOK LOOK TOOK method. YEAH MAN I ROCK.

It is unfortunate that I can not state the official stance of Genius-ness of Random Dominion. Lately, the topic has sprung up in all 3 blogs written by SPC students that I am aware of. The popular opinion seems to be one of gathering and of celebration. You may read "a Fitting Speech from the dominant cultural Genius", which, I may add, is written by a self-proclaimed genius.

In my opinion, Geniosity status declaration is a matter best left to those who are preoccupied with a need for a status at all. Why do some people have to be stated more intelligent than others? Why cause friction for a sence of self-satisfaction?

Also, who can call themselves a genius? Surely, he who knows most knows he knows very little. We look back at Einstein and say "He was a genius." We can look at Einstien from the outside and marvel. I didn't know mirrors reflected intelligence too. My point is, you just can't call yourself a genius, someone else has to do it for you. Self proclaimed geniuses are hardly geniuses.

To this I say, instead of falsifying your own image to yourself, revel in your said intelligence and nurture it, grow it. Intelligence applied turns a thought into an action, and a good one at that. Nothing happens without a thought first.
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