where ranDOMness is key...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Umm whoa, what the heck...the Dube left us a comment! My favourite Jew. ;)

Lemme tell y'all a story. The hero: a little white mouse.

Mouse lived a good life. He ran around, free of obstruction, ate grass and other scrumptious vegetable-like plants. Because of the running and healthy eating, Mouse had a very slender build and a slick tail; the lady mice really dig slick tails.

One day, Mouse was minding his own business, eating some human's grass. It was an overcast day, much like many days of Richmond, and much of General Vancouver Area. But Mouse didn't mind, it was another run-of-the-mill days. No itinerary, no wifey to come home to, Mouse sure had it made.

One human, blonde, late fourties, drives her Ford Explorer around the block and goes, "What the, that piece of trash just moved!" The second human, a passenger in the Explorer does a double take of the piece of trash on their neighbour's lawn and discovers that that piece of trash is actually some kind of animal. He is a teenager, many issues with anger and has many altercations with his father. He says, "Lemme out, I'm going to see what it is". So the second human jumps out to investigate.

Mouse sees this ogre-teenager coming at him and freezes in fear. He's never had a human so close to him before. He had heard of cousin mouses who had dealings with humans, and they all told horror stories; getting needled and making them run for cheeze. Poor Mouse had no idea what was coming.

Teenager boy walked right up to Mouse, who hadn't yet moved, and put his hand on him. He picked him up, and opened his hand and yelled "Hey! It's a mouse!"

Mouse's family decends from a long line of heritage in North America, since long before any Europeans landed. He, nor his ancestors, never spoke English. In fact, this teenager boy's yelling spooked him even further. So spooked that all Mouse could do was let out a plea for help to fellow mice, hoping that there would be some around.

"Can I keep him?" He asked the first human. She set down some guidelines, some rules for him to abide by in order to keep him. "Listen, he's making a chirping sound. It's kinda fun."

Teenager boy took Mouse home, emptied out a drawer of his plastic mobile drawer unit and filled it with saw dust about an inch thick. He put some cat food and water in two seperate, cut down yogurt containers. Teenager boy decided to call Mouse "Bomber" since the first thing Mouse did when he was settled into his new home was poop.

Bomber, now, and Teenager boy grew in relationship, making Bomber run for cheese, and scratching him behind the ears. They play Playstation together, and talk on the phone together with Teenager Boy's girlfriend. In fact they have many good times together.

Bomber earlier today tried making some soup. He mixed his food, which is no longer cat food, with his water, and it made a horrible stench.

But alas, Teenager Boy is a good friend, and replaced both bowls, and scratched some ears.

To be Continued....perhaps...
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