where ranDOMness is key...

Encouraging Discouragement

Friday, July 02, 2004
Discouraged by the story Bob (name NOT changed to protect identity) had just told me, I walked away feeling a failure.

Bob had told me the story of a healer, who is now in fact holding a conference till Sunday at APA. I could never tell you his name, I plainly don't know it.

He told me the story of a drug addict who found Jesus one day, and began praying for a special gift, the gift of healing. He prayed up to seven hours a day.

Seven hours a day.

Now he pulls people out of the crowd and helps them find the "glory hole" (I think that's what he called it). Basically he gets them to stand up, go to the isle, "A little left, two steps back" and BLAM slain in the spirit. He'll be on stage, 20 feet away. Amazing.

But seven hours a day. I pray...but not even an hour a day. Do I live life as a prayer? Sure...Nice cop out to step up. Really...does anyone who prays seven hours a day get a sweet deal like that?

Must make you think, how hopped up on the Holy Spirit this guy is to be healing people like that. Made me feel bad, "All those Pentecostals tell me I have no idea what the Holy Spirit is". Some of you know what I'm talking about...

So I'm less spiritual, I pray less. I swear really bad at work sometimes. I haven't been very salty around my friends...When was the last time I shared the gospel?! Wow I suck.

These were my thoughts. Very discouraged indeed.

But as I walked away from Bob, discouraged, I said under my breath, "God, I'm not sure I belong to you" and much to my suprise he answers to me. "Bob said these things for me, so that you may know, and be challenged, that there is more than what you have and where you are at. Get your act together."


Maybe I shouldn't have been so suprised. Maybe I should be the Christian I am supposed to be. I've been making excuses about a lot of things for a long time now, and I think it's time to cut it out. Well...really, it was time a long time ago.

But who wants to argue with God?
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