where ranDOMness is key...

Many Apologies, Sahib

Friday, July 09, 2004
Many apologies to all you you dedicated readers for the lack of post from yours truly lately.

Since Wednesday morning, I have been bed-ridden with what I thought was regular stomach cramps, but is turning into intesitnal viral infection, or doc says maybe even apedicitis. I had urine and blood tests today, and hopefully I will find out soon what's going on.

Laying in bed all day sucks...and it took me so much effort to get to the computer. I wonder if it was so hard, that I should post something incredibly long.

Oh, and I always have to pee. And it seems like a lot of pee for the amount of times I go. It's not like you take the regular amount of pee and divide it by the number of times I go...no, instead, it seems to be a regular amount of pee for a one-time trip everytime.

Strange, yes. Disturbing, certainetly for some of you. Too much info? Suckers haha.

Where are all the peoples anyways? It's regular day time and nobody's here!!
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