where ranDOMness is key...


Sunday, July 04, 2004
Remember when summer used to be the time when everything was good and it was fun times? Now it has changed so that school is where everything is good... or am i alone here?

I mean really. Where is the fun. It's not in the back yard, with the 20kilos of dog poo and 20cm deep grass. It's not at work, at 3am, driving forklifts and sorting GAP freight.

Where is the fun? It's at school. Drum lessons, dorm life, classes, Sev runs, 4am arguments...Really, that's where the good tiems are.

Summer has become quite the "Slum"my bad times. Plus, it's like way hot, and I don't like the hot, or the sun, cuz I spent an hour outside and am roasted like a peanut. MMmm...peanuty roastedness.

Winter is like way better than summer. Boo summer. Boo it, I said!

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