where ranDOMness is key...

Better than the Oscars

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Major props to Kristi, hailing from Richmond, for this one! :)


Aparently, such a post with such a sign affixed in such a manner exists on Robson Street, downtown Vancouver. Amazing.

But even more amazing, the artistry. Simply cutting edge, what with computers and all.


Grow Up

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
As the tree grows
He looks Down
Sees where he used to be

Where them leaves
Used to blow
The flows no longer flowed

The way he sways
Places stayed
Things 'n wot bein' sayèd

The proccess eliminatin'
For lovin suppliments.

It Don't Get Much Better

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Tonight, I am enjoying fine entertainment called "The Waterboy". A simply fantastic comedy featuring Adam Saddler.

Midway through the film, I gazed upon my hunger, and an urging bladder. Pausing the movie, I went to the bathroom, then to the cupboard, to realize that lieing there was a big ol' bag of Twizzlers.

So, now finishing the film, I'm munchin' down on the licorice and drinkin' down a Pepsi, feeling the most wonderful feeling of content.

But alas! This is not the first feeling of contentness today! For dinner, I cooked me some big sausage, the kind you can't wrap your hand around. Saulté some onions, then them sausages right on the frying pan. Serve it up with some french fries.

Mandeep, Sherri and myself ate such a wonderful dinner! I wonder how much better life can get.

E-mail Etiquette

Sunday, August 15, 2004
From the Author of "Cell Phone Etiquette", comes this: "E-mail Etiquette; Do's and Don't's".

Return E-mails. There's nothing worse than someone who hordes e-mails and never gives any out. If someone takes the time to type you up even a hundred words, I think you can do them the favour of typing them a hundred words back.

Enunciate. Make a big deal out of using the proper words, for Clarification's sake! Th's nuttin mo anoyin then sum1 hoo duznt er cant right engish prprly. I mean mistakes are one thing, but THAT is just annoying! I personally enjoy using the period. It makes the statement that, "You can now think about what I have said". It gives permission, and that is something I enjoy giving.

Send lame chains. "This person will get money." "You'll have no sex life." "God will strike you down." Listen to this: the e-mail world is almost seperated from the real world. Corporations aren't in on what you say (unless you use G-mail, who use e-mail "reading" technolgy to give you advertising pertaining to you likings. Say you write an e-mail about banking, it gives you banks' ads). And even so, God won't strike anyone. And clicking some buttons will not affect your sex drive, your genitals, or your appearance, so I don't understand why or how it could affect your sex life.

Send "Christian" chains. "Isn't it funny?" Ever read that? Yea, so have I, way too many times. It's sad that showing we are Christian has come down to sending a chain e-mail that nobody took the time to write (...well, it certainetly wasn't you, anyways) when all you really have to do is be Christian in EVERY E-MAIL simply by saying "God bless" or "In His service" and also by showing Christ in you by everything you do. I've never forwarded such an e-mail, but it's not because I was ever ashamed of my faith, it was simply because anybody I could send it to already knew I am/was Chrisitan. Haha, suckers!

So I say to all of you, be aware of your e-mailing scares. Some people have more do's, or more don't's--I sure do--but I think that these are at the core of poor e-mail etiquette. It's about taking time for the person who has to read what you send them. Don't let them down.


Monday, August 09, 2004
You passed me your Bible with a scowl on your face. One that said, "I can't believe in all these months, you never e-mailed me, never phoned. I can't believe you let us get this way". It was a face of disapoitnment, of hurt and loneliness.

I knew what you wanted in the Bible; you wanted the truth. But you didn't want God's truth, you wanted my truth.

Still scowling, I smiled and asked, "Where shall I write?"

"Page nine."

I flipped through your Bible, past Matthew, Psalms, Joshua, Genesis, right to the end of the Preface, where there was 3/4 of a page empty. I took the pen from your hands, and started writing, like it was a book. "I mi..."

Then I stopped. I had only one thing to say, and writing it in a neat line, at the top of the empty space will leave it left, forgotten.

Instead, I moved my pen to the centre of the page, and in a semi-circle, waving outwards, I wrote "I miss you". I spun the Bible around, and facing towards the top of the page and wrote again. And again. And again.

Before long, your Bible was littered with my truth; the fact that I miss you, and soon after, the tears to prove it too.

You took your Bible back from me to read what was going on, how I had defaced such a holy and perfect book. You had no reaction.


Wednesday, August 04, 2004
It has come to my attention that ranDOMinion has become a dominion containing hardly any randimosity. It is with great sadness that until further notice, this blog will be referred to as "unranDOMinion".

This blog is not all that has been unrandom. No, infact, the ranDOMizers have led quite unrandom lives. If anyone is "random" it should be Mandeep, who randomly takes off to Victoria (like today) or to Kelowna, or Edmonton (like he told me earlier). That is a true quality random trait.

Also, the ranDOMains are domains that aren't (if they ever were) random. They will also be called unranDOMains.

And ranDOMination? Cut.

Where has the random gone? WHERE HAS THE RANDOM GGOOOOONNNEEE!!??

A Eulogy

Monday, August 02, 2004
Dearly beloved, we gather today to celebrate the life of what was once a great blogger.

Randomgoblinfaceperson wrote amongst us for nearly 2 entire months. He made such recently lost additions as "Not giving the benefit of doubt" and other blog smash hits. But where has he gone, where is his work?

He is lost in his own blogging confusion, and all his work is lost to cyberspace. Zenon blogs with us no more. His profile proclaims only one blog, that of another locale. He has sold his soul to the Darkside for perhaps a better, more fun blogging experience. Perhaps this journey will help him realize the error of his ways.

His work, since he left, has left us also. We are left with no remnants of anything he typed, except that which we can personally remember.

Your thoughts are in our hearts, and in our prayers, buddy. Go towards the light.

RIP, randomgoblinfaceperson!