where ranDOMness is key...

The Challenge

Saturday, October 30, 2004
In her cage featuring four walls sit row
Upon row of Mary Janes, silenced through
Pain, suffering, apathy, poor parenting
Sitting, waiting, to be moulded to be

She sits, full of life, full of knowledge, with
Her head up high, in the clouds, keeping her
Light her own, covered by a blanket, soon
To be smothered, killed of oxygen and

Where should she go? What should she do? Her heart
Decides to hate, to despise, that which is
Commanded to be loved; to hang her own
Portrait, her photo, her Christ-reflection to

A challenge is spoken, still without response
That she may turn around and live a while
To show them, as she should, to grow herself
Take her intelligence to a new level and

Her future is unwritten, open wide
Full of hopes and dreams, passion and good times
The Challenge is open; what will she do?
Either way, life is spoken, the day is
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