where ranDOMness is key...

When was...

Thursday, November 11, 2004
When was the last time I stopped to think, to enjoy my surroundings?

When was the last time I walked behind the group, not to be a follower, not to maintain my reputation of a slow walker, but to enjoy the walk?

When was the last time I stepped outside, exhaled as much as would come out, and inhaled till I would burst?

When was the last time I held a leaf in my hand, rubbing it between finger and thumb? Take a close look, to watch the colonies of insects, running around in cute little economic patterns.

When was the last time I sat on a bridge, or pier, and looked up at the stars, trying to count them, only to realize it is easier to count how many times I fail counting them than it is to actually count them? Or even that I would sit and watch the water, calm, never disturbed, or rushing, going, hurrying somewhere off to unknown places.

When was the last time I chose to freeze my butt off in an attempt to calm myself, to look around and breathe, to live life a little bit? Has my life become that of a river's? Go, go, gone.

When was the last time I put aside my routine and made a rountine walk through this park called Life? Will I walk with my head in the clouds, knowing what it is that I am missing down on earth? What if a flower should take seed, grow, and die, and I saw none of it? What part would I have had in my surrounding's lives if I continue to b-line everywhere I go?

When was the last time I got invovled in existence, instead of merely existing. Surely I have some catching up to do.
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