where ranDOMness is key...

Sugar, Glucose, Fructose, Citric Acids, Flavour

Wednesday, January 05, 2005
My precious little blue can. You're a cute little 355mL. Such a darling little thing.

You were the first to sport the wide mouth, even before the beer cans.

You hold within yourself 5 different ingredients to sweeten up. It's a strange, sweet little darling thing that you are.

You have some cousins in my fridge, I think I will fetch one.

Together you are worth $4.29 at Walmart, the cheapest around, cuz that includes all your silly deposit fees.

Once, I built a Chevy Stock car, from those model kits, y'know, and painted it to match your red white and blue personality. It was quite the car, although now I imagine it's blown to bits.

Little blue can of wonder, I think I'm addicted to you...
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