where ranDOMness is key...

I'm Probably Full of Crap

Saturday, February 05, 2005
The politic game is foreign to me. I grew up, first as the new kid, then as the reject, and a long time after that as the crazy-and-stay-the-heck-away, to the guy who didn't care.

All that time, I never played emotions, I never fully understood that people had feelings, thoughts, dreams, like I do. I simply went through the motions. People get upset, and it was normal. People get happy, and it was normal. I never considered that there are reasons beyond the here and now that may affect someone's line of thinking.

Then I got one friend. She has been challenging me for some time now. Most jokes that I find funny, and that my friends find funny, she does not find funny at all. I get on her nerves, often. Yet somehow, despite my lack of success to find anything familiar to her in me on her behalf, she is still accepting, still caring, still laughing.

It is within this new friend of mine that I see people's pasts. Even my own. She has taught me that people find different things funny, and different things offensive, based on their experiences; that somethings are not funny at all, simply because it hurts.

There is more to this world than me, even though all I see, all I hear, touch, I sense all these things in me. Never do I see the world in someone else's eyes, and oh what a blessing that would be. Growing up has been a selfish experience. I'm glad to see past it now.

However, I'm thankful that I still don't have to consider my actions three times, that if I act a fool, it "is my character". I don't have to play emotions, but atleast today I have some kind of understanding.


Among moral men is the greatest treason; to do the right thing for the wrong reason.
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