where ranDOMness is key...

Playwrite: "Jumping Ships"

Thursday, February 17, 2005
Scene: abord the U.S.S. Friend, a mid 1600's oceanic sail boat, commanded by Captain Seeingeye. Ship is within eyesight of a coast, at sea. Enemy ship, U.S.S. Relation, is closing in to attack the U.S.S. Friend. The ship's crew is gathered on the main deck and listening to the Captain.

Captain Seeingeye: Friends! As you can see, the U.S.S. Relation is closing in on us! We can not escape to land in time to evade their attack. It is inevitable. Surely, they will dock alongside and board us. (Crew looks weary)

I tell you, friends, the enemy is strong. They fight with a passion beyond what most of us may know. But I know this passion! And some of you do too. You all remember your lost companions, the traitors, who jumped ship for the U.S.S. Relation? They are the enemy! They left the Friend for something "better". (Crew looks angry)

First mate: But, Captain, they know our weaknesses! We let them penetrate our defenses under false pretenses! Surely they will exploit us!

Captain: Your hearts are full of fear! FEAR NOT! It is together that we will survive the attack of the Relation. Brothers! Draw your swords! Cover your man's back! And we will teach them that no Friend of mine must EVER leave for Relation.
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