where ranDOMness is key...


Thursday, March 17, 2005
Lately, there is a lot of attitude towards one of our teachers here at school. Every student must, and does deal with her.

Regardless of where she is coming from, she is a person. She is to be shown patience, love, kindness, compassion.

However unfair the things she does may seem, we need to check how we approach her and how we talk to others about her. Scheming, plotting, taking joy in disrespect is unacceptable.

Remember: we are students, she is the teacher. If you can say, "There is nothing I can learn from the joke that this class is", then you are truly a fool. Learn. If you're not getting what you payed for, take it up with the school administration.

We may not like how she does her work, but she does her work. That's all that matters.

I think it would be very appropriate to include some verse about respecting (elders, authorities, teachers), or loving (neighbours, brothers, sisters, pastors), but there are simply too many to choose from. Really, we need to start thinking like Christians, and our attitudes should directly reflect the Christian thinking within us.
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