where ranDOMness is key...


Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Well, well, well.

Have I finally done it? Yea, I s'pose so. Welcome to the face-lifted ranDOMinion that we shall learn to love, just as we did the old one. Amazingly, it only took one late night and one all night (since I wasn't working) of dedicated work to complete.

Some things you'll notice right away, without me even having to say: it's cleaner. This was the primary goal for the new look. Things are organized and table-ized (for you htmlers, I found a nice template with table-like divisions).

The banner idea has changed: no longer will a banner be a simple little rectangle at the top of the page. Now, it must be a fully incorporated graphic. I think it helps accomplish primary goal in keeping things neater. I'm not sure if I like the date of the top blog overlapping that much, but I do like the overlapping.

Since blogger recently upgraded its comment thingy, I have decided to use it instead of the good ol' haloscan. This is mainly a laziness decision, but it works either way. Feel free to disagree, but make sure you let me know; I make this site for YOU!

With the happy, fun-loving excitement that comes with the launch of this new ranDOMinion, is the sad news that accompanies it: randomnessinitsprime is resigning. It was great to have her on board, and add her randomness to our own, and so we know that wherever she might ranDOMize, she will do well. Perhaps we shall see a last post from her before she skidaddles (and hopefully revealing her identity for those who don't yet know..?).

I still have some ideas I'd like to incorporate, so bear with as the site continues to change. They're small, infantessmal details that won't largely affect much, but they definetly involve randompoetries (no banner link, just a link on the side for now) and the tag board.

If you've read this far, THANKS! You care about what I've done and me likey. Please comment, question, demand, refute or whatever about the new stuff going on and I am pleased to answer.

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