where ranDOMness is key...

Ok, As Promised...

Monday, July 11, 2005
Ok folk, well, nothing new on the accident front, except that for all weekend long they put a hold on my claim. Why?! Well, I waited on hold for 30mins while the lady ran around like a headless chicken to find out why, but aparently for no reason! So they put my claim on high priority to get it sorted out UBER quick. Hopefully I will know as early as tomorrow what's going on.

So here, at the corner of Burbidge and United Blvd, I wait to turn left. When my light turns green, I advance into the intersection and buddy runs the red light doing between 40km/h and 60km/h. He hits me on driver side, but mostly on the rear door. If I had been going any slower or had hit the brakes when I saw him coming, he probably would have hit me in my door, and as we speak I would have a car in my side. Even as you see it, when the car rested, my door was pressed against my shoulder, and the door would not open. You can't really see from any of these, but the dent is about 20-25cm deep, in its deepest spot. The damage is on both doors, but also the centre post (between doors) and the frame on the bottom, and the driver's window is busted into pieces (I had glass in my shoe). I'm thinking the car is a write off. Thankfully I am not hurt. I am a bit tired, and my knee has been sore, but nothing broken, nothing hurting. Today, my neck is stiff, but it's from sleeping weird. I had the night off of work, which sucks, cuz I slept last night, and will now be permatired all week long. Aiya!
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