where ranDOMness is key...

So I says

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I'm not going to lie to you there are many things in this world that don't make sense to me
Like how syrup defies gravity and always travells up your fork whilst consuming the likings the the pancakedness.

Other things bewilderst me, such as...

Well to be honest I'm had a therory for some time now that on some primal level rocks are communicating without our knowledge. I have yet to personally hear it, but scientific research indicates that it's quite plossible.

Think about it, rocks calling other rocks. I mean where do you think meteor showers come from!?! Family reunions? If they could have families..... that would indicate some original spawnee..hmm Perhaps they would reproduce simply by dividing like that of their smaller cousins knows only as the "cell." Not the prision version.

I think I shall attempt to establish contact with them and become thier ambasitor to the human world. NO! Their leader, and I shall RULE THE WORLD as the KING OF THE ROCK TALKERS...(because not all of them can talk..just some..) otherwise I'd just be King of the Rocks!

Don't worry I'll remeber you as I rule the world
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