where ranDOMness is key...

For a Week

Sunday, January 08, 2006
It was a cold December morning. The sky was clear and he lived off in the bush somewhere--somewhere obscure enough to make its name not worth mentioning, obscure enough to allow the night sky to shine as God intended. He observes one entity of light traveling empty space at a blistering 300 metres per second in an unwaivering straight line. It passes some planets, goes through some galaxies, escapes the no-escape radius of some black holes. He recorded his findings, closed his book, and went to bed.

The next night was just as beautiful. The observer, without difficulty found the entity of light he observed last night right where he had predicted to find it in the next-night's sky. Though, upon locating it, he gasped, saying, "It just can't be, the law's of physics don't allow for it!"

He recorded in his log book this:

"Two entities of light in a straight-line trajectory, though one is circrling the other." He drew a picture to help himself remember, it resembled in shape a sword being wrapped up by a snake, around and around, each entity of light depicted as bright balls, and their movements lines behind them.

He finally concluded, "This is going to change existence as we know it. New laws need to be written." He did not sleep for a week.
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