where ranDOMness is key...

Touchy Subject

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
My friends, I need your help. Really, your prayers.

This morning's Spiritual Emphasis chapel was about depression. Jonanne spoke beautifully, though she raised within me things I thought were atleast well suppressed.

I may have been able to ignore it before, but I am depressed. I have been for a long, long time. I've attempted to deal with it in a myriad of ways, none of which seem to have been successful.

I've never considered medication, nor have I really seen a doctor about it. I really don't think that since Joanne had a chemical imbalance that I do, this is just illogical; though I have considered being chemically imbalanced before, and I can't simply strike the idea.

This depression has manifested itself physically a few ways, the most obvious being my immediate environment and my school work. Those of you closest to me know how disastrous both of these aspects of my life really are.

The biggest staple in my depression boils down to how little I trust God--for how long I haven't trusted Him. I need your prayers for strength and discipline, for as long as you can muster.

I thank you all for being sensitive and patient with me.
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