A Census
Bellow (in the comments section) you will sign your real name, your title in the kingdom, and your weapon of choice (if you have one already). Your weapon of choice should reflect an item that you are actively using to slay the enemies of the Kingdom of Blue (ie: Kingdom of Pink, Midterm and Final Exams), and the field does not need to be filled if you do not already wield a weapon.
Note: this is not an invitation to join the KoB. If you wish to join to the KoB, you should approach one elder of the KoB (either Dave of myself), and we will officiate you.
An example of what your census deposit should look like is as follows:
Andrew MacGregor
Inspector General of the Quality
who doth wieldeth the Battle Axe of Blasphemy
Any false, slanderous census entries or entires pertaining to kingdoms of other colours will result in the execution of the entry's author's private parts or tax bracket.
How can there still be a kingdom of pink? If I do remember correctly, there is pretty much no original mamebrs of such kingdom. Well other than Adam who happened to be our damsel in distress.
By , at 10:03 p.m. -
Dave McCormick
By , at 11:21 p.m.
Grand Emperor
Wearing Proudly The Helmet Of Salvation -
Since I have no clue what the frig you guys are talking about, I'll just leave you with a good ole screw you and see you in the morning.
By , at 12:29 a.m. -
And good luck with the whole private parts thing...first one to try is gonna be packing his arms in ice after I rip them off and beat him silly with them...
By , at 12:31 a.m. -
Andrew MacGregor
By Andrew, at 6:21 a.m.
Inspector General of the Quality
who doth wieldeth the Battle Axe of Blasphemy -
concerned ex-pink member will lose her private parts! or... her tax bracket!
By Andrew, at 6:21 a.m.
may God have mercy on your soul! -
private parts! Andrew, getting a little disguisting there dont you thihnk. As for the tax bracket.... hahah like I will reach one beyond "poorest of the poor" for a very long time.
By , at 8:09 a.m. -
I do acknowledge hensthforth the majesty and grandure of the Kingdom of Blue and request a placement amoungst your ranks.
By , at 1:02 p.m.
Here be'est my entry form, I pray all is as it should be.
Matthew Liable
Dawning the Good Order of Cheer Socks, I mean the..
Handgun of World Domination! -
Carissa England
By , at 1:40 p.m.
Driver of all fast and exotic cars
..I have yet to find a wepon worthy of the destruction of Kingdom Pink! -
I find you all mildly disgusting
By , at 2:15 p.m. -
Jeff Wheeldon
By , at 6:50 p.m.
His Holiness, the Pope
who doth wield the Word, sharper than a two-edged sword -
Steve Carruthers
By Unknown, at 2:15 p.m.
The Oblitorator (I forgot about it until now... this was decided back in november if you forgot).
Who doth weildeth the Flabs of Holy Steal. -
sorry.. steel. My engrish is empocable.
By Unknown, at 5:42 p.m. -
Sigh... As Queen of the kingdom of pink I hereby call the wars off and call a truce. My kingdom is no longer in existance, as my many members are now far flung and unable to defend my honor. It was fun while the insanity lasted!!!
By , at 5:45 p.m. -
Death is too easy of an escape for the Kingdom of Pink! The truce must not be accepted!
By , at 6:09 p.m. -
((Man it's funny what Christians do for fun... wait, let me rephrase: It is sad what Christians resort to for fun and entertainment.))
By , at 7:02 p.m.
Acheros Rhadamanthus
Assassin For Hire
who doth wieldeth the Blades of the Mortuus
who doth wieldeth the Sword of Seditio
who doth weildeth the Staff of Tutela
who doth weildeth the Axe of Eversio
I fear I have already said to much. -
a truce document must be presented in its most formalest of formal manners!
By Andrew, at 8:48 p.m.
a simple blog comment is unnacceptable!
dishonour to you! dishonour to pink! dishonour to your kin! -
you guys are psycho... hilarious... but psycho
By Davey Jones, at 8:22 p.m. -
Melissa Buck
By , at 12:13 a.m.
Stealthy Ninja Guru
who doth wieldeth the Nunchucks of Nonsense -
By , at 12:41 a.m.
u r all fish BLUE fish! -
ya i'm joining RED POWER cuz it a better race
By , at 12:42 a.m.