where ranDOMness is key...

Full of Your Wonders

Saturday, April 08, 2006
How amazing is it, that accross the table from you is a set of dreams, a collection of chemicals, a series of bio-electric pulses, fearfully and wonderfully made, as free, complex, mysterious, as broad and deep as you imagine yourself to be?

There, accross from you is a mass, a volume of 60% water, organs, volountary and involountary functions, assembled for the purpose of God's glory. She exists, and you never thought it possible. How is it that twenty years apart have brought you to the same table, wired in strikingly similar ways, yet with differences that put you in worlds differenciating like black and white?

What a feat of function it is to share a glance--a pause in reality to cause bio-electric pulses of your own within her--to know that your thoughts are the same; that in that moment there exists nothing outside of the locked gaze. Recoveing from a momentary delay in time, only a smile, accross each of your faces confirms everything you thought you knew.

What a wonderful creation. Who could ever have doubted His wonders? This is no measure of miracle, no. This is the revelation of the Garden of Eden.

How fearfully and wonderfully You have made each of us. We are indeed full of your wonders.
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