where ranDOMness is key...

Have You Ever..?

Thursday, August 10, 2006
Have you ever noticed that the letters of a keyboard are placed in a slightly strange manner? I mean, isn't it odd that they would seperate some letters, like A and B but not J, K or L. And why put Q, W, E, R, T, and Y together. I'll bet someone thought they were clever when they called it the "QWERTY keyboard". But I have news for you, they weren't. They were probably some jackass military type, always making wandering chatter about the war and never coming to his point. It's like a man with a club swinging at a bush because there's an animal in there, but he'll never go into the bush to hit the animal, and he won't go away to make the animal come out. Those military types need good wives to keep 'em in order. The kind of wives who are quick-witted and always seem to be one step ahead of him, making snappy retorts and usually have shrill voices. They might work at a Pharmasave or something, where the customers would come in and heckle for bargains, but it's not Bargain Basement, who do they think they are? You can tell them over and over and over again that you can't do anything about the price, and it's not your fault the store is out of stock, but they keep pestering. I'd like to shoot those with a gun, a 9mm perhaps. I imagine the best kind of gun though, for a crowd of these hecklin' folks is a gataling gun, lots of bullets very quickly and lots of screaming--that you can't hear because the gun is so loud. Speaking of loud, I should have my ears checked because I am hearing weird things, and not hearing other things. For example, I seem to always miss the pastor telling me to wash the windows.

Oh my, how I've rambled. I feel age comin' on.
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