where ranDOMness is key...

What the Heck Am I Doing??

Saturday, September 23, 2006
Ever have a day when you lose sight of your goals...

It's just the kind of day when you're minding your own business and it suddenly dawns on you that for a year, or any length of time is going to be spent doing blah. It's kinda scary. I don't want to be blahing for any length of time!

Scary for this reason: for a brief moment, in that day, we are incapable of seeing more than that span of time ahead of our own situations. We are incapable of suspending our own cultural and situational understandings; we become self-minded.

"God, what the hell am I doing here???" We forget. But we're human! Hopefully, it doesn't last long. Hopefully, shortly after praying such a prayer, that God is good to remind us: "This is a trial period of your life, a step necessary to grow you and learn you to get you to the place I want you to be so that you are most effective for my purposes."

Then, I discover the book of James. Turns out God is good to remind.
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