where ranDOMness is key...

Thank You...

Monday, February 27, 2006
The Peanut Gallery is my hero.

Yes, thank you.

A Census

Monday, February 20, 2006
By decree of the Grand Emperor of the Kingdom of Blue, I, the Inspector General of the Quality, hereby declare a census to all members of the Kingdom of Blue.

Bellow (in the comments section) you will sign your real name, your title in the kingdom, and your weapon of choice (if you have one already). Your weapon of choice should reflect an item that you are actively using to slay the enemies of the Kingdom of Blue (ie: Kingdom of Pink, Midterm and Final Exams), and the field does not need to be filled if you do not already wield a weapon.

Note: this is not an invitation to join the KoB. If you wish to join to the KoB, you should approach one elder of the KoB (either Dave of myself), and we will officiate you.

An example of what your census deposit should look like is as follows:

Andrew MacGregor
Inspector General of the Quality
who doth wieldeth the Battle Axe of Blasphemy

Any false, slanderous census entries or entires pertaining to kingdoms of other colours will result in the execution of the entry's author's private parts or tax bracket.


Thursday, February 16, 2006
i am the number of books on a shelf
i am her age when her daddy told her he loves her
i am the name of a pompous magazine
i am the number of years they've spent happily together
i am the number on the back of his jersey
i am the amount of times he has shushed them in the library
i am that many minutes past nine o'clock in the evening
i am one more than sixteen
i am the sum of hours he has slept today

Responsibility as a Leader

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
How do you communicate to a group of imperfect people, being imperfect, that they are in the wrong, that they should shape up, that God calls us to a higher standard?

Take Moses for example. Moses did what was right in the image of God and the people complained--he spoke to Pharaoh to get them freed and Pharaoh only increased their burden. It was Moses' fault.

If you can't stand criticism, forget leadership. Pack your bags and go home. Stand up for what is right in his eye: servitude, worship, obediance, salvation, love. Measure up against Him, make right with Him, and step out into the world and speak to His people and those who are not "His people" the blessings he has made known to you.

Being a worker of God does not make you a hero in the eyes of His congregation, it makes you the object of criticism.


Thanks Roger. It's about time someone stood up.

Three Lessons this Weekend

Monday, February 13, 2006
Worship God, not because we feel good but because he is good.
There are days that we would rather curl up and die than to go out and tell people how good God is. Things like, feeling unprepared as a band might translate to you, "Our ministry is insufficient", but it is on these days that we have to rely on God to pull through for us, and to use us.

Joking about homosexuality is not funny. In the slightest.
You wouldn't hold a knife to your friends throat and joke around with his life. You wouldn't put your hand on his wife's thigh and joke around with her sexuality. You wouldn't joke about robbing a bank while in a bank. So why do you grab other guys, make homosexually suggestive comments? You call it, "Secure in my sexuality", I call it, "Belonging to the world and leaving Christ at the door".

Don't dream your life, live your dream.
Why should we sit around and wonder about the what-if's? Take care of your responsibilities and have fun. Do the things that you want to do. Don't sell yourself out to crappy jobs. There are better jobs. Ride your motorcycle. Talk to those random people.

Encore en Francais?

Thursday, February 09, 2006
French is hot.

Everybody is going to watch "Amelie" (which is the anglisisme name for the movie, which is really called "Les Misaventures d'Amelie Poulin"). I have been watching it the last couple of nights and it's... :D It brings a smile to my face everytime.

SO YOU WILL ALL WATCH IT. and you will all love french. that's just how it's gonna be.

S'il y a meme un d'entre vous qui me resiste... je... ne ferais rien. Qui suis-je de te forcer regarder un film que peut-etre vous n'aimerais pas? Bah.

And aparently, if i use accents proper, .html rejects them. That's annoying.

When I Stand

Monday, February 06, 2006
When I stand in your cathedral, that stands a hundred feet tall, whose walls light up in an explosion of colour and warmth, whose furniture remembers your people and all their struggles, your magnitude is incalcuable. The still, cold breeze that permiates the building may very well be your breath. How far beyond these hills, how far beyond everything I can see are you greater?

When I stand on your mountain, and look down upon your people, watch them scurry, and wonder at their struggles, I am amazed that minutes after marvelling your great size that I can feel the same way. How marvelous it is to be like you, made in your image, and feel like you. Down there are people who have depression, who are happy, who can't pay their bills, who are getting married, who are breaking up, who are relying on you, who are hating you; and you are so much bigger than them, so much bigger than their issues.

When I stand back and consider that you are so large, that I am like you, I can't help but believe that with you, I am so much bigger than these issues I let get me down.