where ranDOMness is key...

100!!! again

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Life Updated; Slightly Less Unrandom

Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Some of you must be wondering: "Where did he fall off the face of the Earth to??"

Here is the answer.

Last Friday I moved in with Adam and Mandeep in 201 at the Morrison at SPC. I'll pay one month's rent, and insure Adam's truck to get around. Yup, that yellow beater pick-up truck.

I just got a job, and start tomorrow. Working for a painter by contract. $9/h, not bad.

I finally have a bed to sleep on. Last three months have been split up into two sleeping areas: my 4 foot long couch (with stiff and tall arm rests) or my bedroom floor. So glad to catch up on the Z's.

Chubby Zhing Wong

So until next time, this is Chubby Zhing Wong signing off.
(Thanks to Miss Baker for the pic. That little guy is gonna go to all of her young adult meetings!)

"Why are we friends?"

Monday, July 26, 2004
I was online with a bud the other night, and after insulting him, subsequently laughing, he asked me "Why are we friends?"

What a profound question. I surely couldn't answer him then, right on the spot. But I will attempt to do so now.

The truth is we are friends by trial. Sure, we used to play CS together. Sure, we used to be the monkeys in the back row who were smarter, quicker and cockier than everyone else, but too shy to flaunt any of it. Sure, we grew up together, going to elementary school together. Sure, we had our fights, even hated each other for nearly five years (I slashed the bridge of his foot playing hockey once, and he cried haha).

But even now, we fling crap at each other so much, it is a wonder why we are friends. We go to different schools, live in different cities, believe different doctrines (this guy's atheist). We argue, bitch and whine like an old married couple. If there is ever an argument to be found (most of you would tell me there is always an argument to be found in my mouth), he and I will debate it. We very seldom see things eye to eye.

But maybe that is what makes the friendship fun. We are constantly challenging each other. Always gotta be sharp, always gotta be on the toes.

And the insulting--what a level of comfort we have. We laugh at ourselves when we are insulted. We work off of each other to achieve ultima-insults, only to use them against each other. Laughing the whole time.

We have mellow times too. Times where nothing needs to be said and we can peacefully co-exist. Well, I seem to think so. He's always complaining about silences being awkward, but I don't think he understands that term very well. And we would hereby start arguing...

It's a great thought knowing that he'll probably be my friend for a very long time. If not forever (eww, cliché). Something stable to look forward to in this rocky world of uncertainties.

Now, if I could only convert the bugger...

Pepsi Trade

Thursday, July 22, 2004
I have 12 "1948 St Moritz, Switzerland" jersey Pepsi cans. Anyone want to trade?



Encouraged, Still Unrandom

Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Friends, I am encouraged. It seems that even if there was anger, heat, discouragement.... doors are opened.

I want to say a big thanks to everyone that has made the +30 comment post a possibility...Mom, Dad, thanks for believing. My producers for the opportunity. My honey...

Oh yea, I got no honey.

In any case, let's not burn bridges in the future. Let's work and grow together, as we should. None of us are perfect, but we can try to be the best people possible.

We have an awesome tool to our advantage, let's use it. I hope that I am just as able to take a Bible beating as I am able to give one. ...Or even better at receiving than giving simply cause it seems like I suck at bible beating. But in any case, we are all together, whether or not we agree on everything.

Great Canadian motto: "Everything is relative". "In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike". (Romans 14:5)

I'm starting an online forum, one with good topic and replying... I'm sure you nerds know what one looks like. Better than a post with comments. This will be hardcore. Setting it up to look nice, with unlimited messages. We can hack up the Bible issues there some more, since it seems there is demand for it. :)


Unrandom Topic: Swearing

Saturday, July 17, 2004
In an effort to neutralize hostility, and in response to Otto's applauded attempt at peace keeping, I bring you a bit on swearing.

There has been much swearing in my life. Even yesterday. It is a vice that I struggle with very deeply. I work at a warehouse, as some of you may know, and the vocabulary is not very extensive, nor is it constructive. Also, I have been dealing with insane amounts of stress lately; dealing with my parents breaking up, with issues revolving money, and even being fired from my job for a manager's ego trip. I swore up a storm yesterday. I snapped.

The truth is, I didn't really choose to swear, they came out all one their own. They got into me through music, movies, TV. I am glad to say that lately, I watch Star Trek on TV, listen to David Crowder, and got sick watching "Return of the King" because of the image of evil it depicts. My sensitivity to ungodly media has grown greatly, and maybe one day I will be rid of involountary swearing. But this is not an excuse for my actions. As James 1:26 says, I only fool myself.

I believe it quite possible that my commenting on Stop Five Records, and an almost carbon copy post on ranDOMinion, could have been tainted by the past weeks' stressing concerns. I did have my panties in a bunch about it, as Otto said. But I think it was alright to have them like that. Some words are just simply offensive regardless of how they're used. I'm sure I could list a dozen words with atleast one that would offend every reader. Even just in a list, not even in a sentence. Still, my demeanour and my choice of words came accross as "judgemental", which is also an ungodly act.

I could only hope that you would all know I did not mean to judge. I hope that I would never judge anyone. I am forgiving, as Jesus is. Jesus also taught harsh lessons, and was hated by a lot of people. I don't claim myself to be like Jesus, or more like Jesus that others may be. I'm saying that as I read Stop Five Records, knowing who was writing it, it bothered me to know that men training themselves for ministry thought it O.K. to use such offensive language. Because I am in their same position, I tried to reach out as a brother, or even as an individual with an outside point of view. Could you imagine the effect on a youth attending a Stop Five Record writer's youth group should one have read the swearing? Kids look up to us. A lot of people will look up to us. And we need to be squeaky clean. To the world, we are supposed to be a bunch of purists, and if we do anything slightly possibly wrong, they will point fingers at us and throw away all that is good. This is the attitude that I tried to bring with me to the comments, to the post. Although I do not appologize for quoting such a good book, I do appologize for the unwanted effects it had.

All in all, I have lost respect for no one. In fact, Otto, I have a lot of respect for you. I thought of doing a "Top Five Reasons To Respect Otto" but decided not to, just cause it would make this long post stupidly huge.

With all of this said, I am announcing that I will be moving within the next week. Reasons causing stress at home and an inability to cope with everything I am being delt are pushing me out the door. Maybe I just need to dissapear for a while, maybe a permanent move is good. I will cross that bridge when I get there.

I thank you all for taking time to read me out, and for understanding my never-thought-to-be-hostile attitude. Please pray for me, as these times are not easy.

Friday, July 16, 2004
To my friends, or acquaintances, or perhaps colleagues of Bible college, or even atleast fellow Christians of the community called "Stop Five Records", I do not appologize for the following Bible Thumping. Your demeaning vocabulary on your website has led me to believe that there is not one writer on that website dedicated to the serving he is currently pouring $40,000 into. I make this call in the name of Christ, for you to own up to your promise to follow His commands, or to no longer take his name in vain by swearing as you have been and call yourselves Christians no longer. Plainly, shape up or ship out.

Top 5 Reasons not to swear:

1. Psalm 39:1 I said to myself, "I will watch what I do and not sin in what I say. I will curb my tongue when the ungodly are around me.
2. Psalm 119:173-174 Stand ready to help me, for I have chosen to follow your commandments. O Lord, I have longed for your salvation, and your law is my delight.
3. Proverbs 17:20 The crooked heart will not prosper; the twisted tongue tumbles into trouble.
4. James 1:26 If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.
5. James 3:5-6 Also, the tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do. A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flameof fire. It is full of wickedness that can ruin your whole life. It can turn the entire course of your life into a blazing flame of destruction, for it is set on fire by hell itself.

Honourable mention: the entire rest of the Bible. Words straight from God.

I Love Being a Drummer

Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Why didn't the little drummer boy get into heaven?
Because he woke the baby for Christ's sake!
from the Drummers Dictionary:
Accelerando, n. drum fill; solo
What do you call a drummer with half a brain?
Why to bands need Roadies?
To translate what the drummer says.
Two drummers walk into a bar...
which is funny because you would have figured the second one would have seen the first guy do it.
A new customer walks into the new store on the block that sells brains. There are three glass cases, each containing a nice wet quivering grey brain. The first one says "Astrophysicist", and it costs $10. The second says "Avon Salesman" and costs $1000. The third says "Drummer" and costs $10,000. The customer is confused, and questions the salesperson.
"I don't get it...why would I want a drummer's brain for $10,000 when I can get an astrophysicists' for $10?".
The salesman replies, "Because it's never been used."
Q: What do you call a Drummer driving a Volkswagon?
A: Farfromthinken
Q: What's the difference between a drum machine and a drummer?
A: You only have to punch the information into the drum machine once!
Q: What does a drummer use for contraception?
A: His personality!
Two girls are walking along when they hear...
"Psst! Down here!"
They both look down and see a frog sitting beside the road. The frog says to them, "Hey, if you kiss me I'll turn into a world famous drummer and make you both rich and famous!" The two girls looked at each other, and one of them reached down and grabbed the frog and stuffed it in her pocket.
The other girl said, "What did you do that for?"
The first replied, "I'm not stupid. I know a talking frog is worth heaps more than a famous drummer any day!!!"
What do Ginger Baker and 7-11 coffee have in common?
They both suck without Cream.
Q: How many drummers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Just one, so long as a roadie gets the ladder, sets it up and puts the bulb in the socket for him.
A drummer, tired from being ridiculed by his peers, decides to learn how to play some "real" musical instruments. He goes to a music store, walks in, approaches the store clerk, and says "I'll take that red trumpet over there and that accordian."
The store clerk looks at him a bit funny, and replies "OK, you can have the fire extinguisher but the radiator's got to stay".
Q: What's the best way to confuse a drummer?
A: Put a sheet of music in front of him.

I wish I were good enough to come up with these on my own, but I borrowed them from http://www.cse.ogi.edu/Drum/jokes.html. I'll hyperlink that later. Phew it's hot in here.

Oh...Ihsi how it is.

Saturday, July 10, 2004
Today, at Random Unnamed Retail Store, I stood in a customer service line for about 5 minutes (it sure felt longer, but according to the watch, it was only so long). In this five minute period, Mr Bob (name changed for sake of not knowing individual's name) received four seperate phone calls and had a genuine conversation with each of his callers.

What cought my attention most was Mr Bob's audacity to have a conversation with someone, and to be bothered to have to answer the customer service desk lady's questions. Even so, as he gave the lady his phone number for his obviously untimely return, the woman on the other end of his PDA-cell phone became confused, and began asking, "Hello? Hello?"

When did cell phone conversations become priority over real-life, person to person conversations? I imagine when the first cell phone found itself beeping (and then it would have been a regular sounding ringer) in a customer service line, that person and that subject must have been so important as to pay high bills for such a call. Maybe even important enough to put customer service and other annonymous shoppers' lives on hold.

Even so, today, nobody is "so important" to hold a cell phone. Sure, they're a cool toy, and surely, not everyone can afford one. The truth remains that cell phones are less and less random and in fact are more frequent everywhere we go.

Mr Bob committed an act that I would like to call Imaginated High Society Ignorance, or Ihsi (pronounced "eye-see"). Ihsi, generally, is produced when someone who believes themself to be so important commits a blatant act of ignorance. I see a trend starting, one where it is O.K. to be rude, dispassionate, or ignorant as long as you have the bling to show for it.

I ask this, Mr Bob, where have the manners gone? Where are the young lads tipping their hats to all the ladies? Where are the waves for letting distressed commuters out of a lane merged 100m ago? Where is the decency to say, "I'll call you back, I'm at the service desk"?

Surely, unlike the "good people", they all did not migrate to Canada, as Sam Roberts would have you believe. No, they have simply vanished.

...Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?!

Many Apologies, Sahib

Friday, July 09, 2004
Many apologies to all you you dedicated readers for the lack of post from yours truly lately.

Since Wednesday morning, I have been bed-ridden with what I thought was regular stomach cramps, but is turning into intesitnal viral infection, or doc says maybe even apedicitis. I had urine and blood tests today, and hopefully I will find out soon what's going on.

Laying in bed all day sucks...and it took me so much effort to get to the computer. I wonder if it was so hard, that I should post something incredibly long.

Oh, and I always have to pee. And it seems like a lot of pee for the amount of times I go. It's not like you take the regular amount of pee and divide it by the number of times I go...no, instead, it seems to be a regular amount of pee for a one-time trip everytime.

Strange, yes. Disturbing, certainetly for some of you. Too much info? Suckers haha.

Where are all the peoples anyways? It's regular day time and nobody's here!!

What the Crap.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004
1) Computer upstairs
My computer is a fine machine. I tune it well. Usually. Lately I have been a computer maintenance slacker. I have approximately 275 executable files on the 40GB harddrive, and each one is infected with some stupid virus that everyone at college hates me fore. Today I attempted to remedy it using windowsXP cd, but it didn't go. I looked on the underneath of the CD and it had weird wet-then-dry-like-a-sticker-you-just-ripped-off-of-paper piece of paper on the bottom. As far as I know, it won't come off.

2) Computer downstairs.
My Mom's computer is a piece. I am using it now. My computer upstairs doesn't have internet, so I come down here. Today, for some strange reason, internet Explorer doesn't open. Well it does. But you go *click* and TIME IT 30 seconds later it opens. Even after then, if you try to click any link on this website, as most of you may know open in a new window, the window DOESN'T pop up ever. Moy annoying.

Two very annoying computers. I'd like to fix them while I have the time available to do so, but I have to be at church sometime soon and I slept during the night (oh no)! Now I will surely be messed up for work tonight.

Stuck in the Middle

Tuesday, July 06, 2004
"Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
And I'm wondering what it is I should do,
It's so hard to keep this smile" on "my face,
Losing control, yeah, I'm all over the place,
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you."

--Stealers Wheel


Monday, July 05, 2004
Would anyone like to acquire an Avon booklet and subsequently Avon merchandise?

Bling bling.


Sunday, July 04, 2004
Remember when summer used to be the time when everything was good and it was fun times? Now it has changed so that school is where everything is good... or am i alone here?

I mean really. Where is the fun. It's not in the back yard, with the 20kilos of dog poo and 20cm deep grass. It's not at work, at 3am, driving forklifts and sorting GAP freight.

Where is the fun? It's at school. Drum lessons, dorm life, classes, Sev runs, 4am arguments...Really, that's where the good tiems are.

Summer has become quite the "Slum"my bad times. Plus, it's like way hot, and I don't like the hot, or the sun, cuz I spent an hour outside and am roasted like a peanut. MMmm...peanuty roastedness.

Winter is like way better than summer. Boo summer. Boo it, I said!


Encouraging Discouragement

Friday, July 02, 2004
Discouraged by the story Bob (name NOT changed to protect identity) had just told me, I walked away feeling a failure.

Bob had told me the story of a healer, who is now in fact holding a conference till Sunday at APA. I could never tell you his name, I plainly don't know it.

He told me the story of a drug addict who found Jesus one day, and began praying for a special gift, the gift of healing. He prayed up to seven hours a day.

Seven hours a day.

Now he pulls people out of the crowd and helps them find the "glory hole" (I think that's what he called it). Basically he gets them to stand up, go to the isle, "A little left, two steps back" and BLAM slain in the spirit. He'll be on stage, 20 feet away. Amazing.

But seven hours a day. I pray...but not even an hour a day. Do I live life as a prayer? Sure...Nice cop out to step up. Really...does anyone who prays seven hours a day get a sweet deal like that?

Must make you think, how hopped up on the Holy Spirit this guy is to be healing people like that. Made me feel bad, "All those Pentecostals tell me I have no idea what the Holy Spirit is". Some of you know what I'm talking about...

So I'm less spiritual, I pray less. I swear really bad at work sometimes. I haven't been very salty around my friends...When was the last time I shared the gospel?! Wow I suck.

These were my thoughts. Very discouraged indeed.

But as I walked away from Bob, discouraged, I said under my breath, "God, I'm not sure I belong to you" and much to my suprise he answers to me. "Bob said these things for me, so that you may know, and be challenged, that there is more than what you have and where you are at. Get your act together."


Maybe I shouldn't have been so suprised. Maybe I should be the Christian I am supposed to be. I've been making excuses about a lot of things for a long time now, and I think it's time to cut it out. Well...really, it was time a long time ago.

But who wants to argue with God?